Sunday, October 12, 2008


The HR Club National Conference (29-30 October 2008, Novotel Hotel, Bucharest) is the place to be whether you are looking for the latest thinking and practice in the HR field or want to interact with your peers. This year's edition will address four major challenges HRs and organizations are facing in Romania: talent management, leadership development, change management and HR – strategic partner to the business. These challenges have also been identified by a world study undertaken by Boston Consulting Group and the World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA) of which HR Club is a member.

The audience (HR specialists and top managers) will have the opportunity to interact with prominent academicians, consultants, HR practitioners and general managers from prestigious organizations such as: Middlesex University, Sheffield University, WU Executive Academy, CEU Business School, IEDC – Bled School of Management Slovenia, The Boston Consulting Group, Hudson, Ernst & Young Human Capital, Human Synergistics International, Romtelecom, Vodafone etc. Our special guest is Geoff Armstrong, the person who has run for 16 years the largest HR Professional association in Europe: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and thus has received the award of a CBE in Her Majesty the Queen’s Birthday Honours List for services to people management and industrial relations.

For more informations enter here.

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Si Deus nobiscum, quis contra nos?
Îndrăzneşte să cunoşti!
Ducit Amor Patriae
Tot ceea ce este necesar ca răul să triumfe este ca oamenii buni să stea cu mâinile în sân.
(Edmund Burke)
Încearcă să nu fii un om de succes, ci un om de valoare! (Albert Einstein)
Nu voi fi un om obişnuit pentru că am dreptul să fiu extraordinar. (Peter O`Toole)
Modestia este, faţă de merit, ceea ce este umbra pentru figurile dintr-un tablou: îi dau forţă şi relief. (La Bruyere)
Maestru este numai acela care este dăruit cu harul de a învăţa pe alţii. Cu adevărat maestru este numai cel care, având el însuşi multă bogăţie sufletească, ştie să dea tot, ştiinţă, pricepere şi suflet, fără intenţii preconcepute şi fără să aştepte nimic în schimb. (Octavian Fodor)

Talent hits a target no one else can hit, genius hits a target no one else can see. (Schopenhauer)
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. (Aristotle)