Wednesday, March 18, 2009

IEDC MBA MasterClass in Bucharest

Join our MBA MasterClass and experience IEDC!

We warmly invite you to a free lecture on

"How Managers Create and Destroy Value:
in Times of Crisis"

led by

Professor Nenad Filipović

Professor Nenad Filipović has been a lecturer, MBA Project Director and Academic Director at IEDC since 1991. He teaches courses in General Management and Business Ethics and keeps close contact with business practices through his work. He is also very well known for his advisory services to a number of Slovenian and international companies. In this session we would like you to experience what a quality graduate management education looks like at IEDC – Bled School of Management. Professor Filipović will talk about Why most of the companies are surprised by crisis?; What are typical reactions to crisis?; Why even successful reactions to crisis can create problems; What should be done to use the crisis as an opportunity?

The free lecture will be held on Tuesday, March 24, 2009, at 18.00 hrs in JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel in Foyer Braila Ploiesst (Calea 13 Septembrie Nr. 90).

18.00 MBA MasterClass and IEDC Presentation
19.30 Q&A & Reception


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Si Deus nobiscum, quis contra nos?
Îndrăzneşte să cunoşti!
Ducit Amor Patriae
Tot ceea ce este necesar ca răul să triumfe este ca oamenii buni să stea cu mâinile în sân.
(Edmund Burke)
Încearcă să nu fii un om de succes, ci un om de valoare! (Albert Einstein)
Nu voi fi un om obişnuit pentru că am dreptul să fiu extraordinar. (Peter O`Toole)
Modestia este, faţă de merit, ceea ce este umbra pentru figurile dintr-un tablou: îi dau forţă şi relief. (La Bruyere)
Maestru este numai acela care este dăruit cu harul de a învăţa pe alţii. Cu adevărat maestru este numai cel care, având el însuşi multă bogăţie sufletească, ştie să dea tot, ştiinţă, pricepere şi suflet, fără intenţii preconcepute şi fără să aştepte nimic în schimb. (Octavian Fodor)

Talent hits a target no one else can hit, genius hits a target no one else can see. (Schopenhauer)
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. (Aristotle)