Monday, February 8, 2010

Can Classical Music Make You Smarter? - Glenn Wilson

Dr. Glenn Wilson, visiting professor of psychology at Gresham College, explains the effect of classical music - specifically Mozart - on the brain. Studies from the 1990s claimed Mozart improved test scores, but replicated studies since then have failed.


How does music exert such extraordinary effects on our emotions? To what extent does it depend upon our nature (biological rhythms, instinctive reactions to certain sound patterns) and to what extent experience (e.g. conditioned associations, nostalgia)?

Particular attention is given to the tension-reduction and optimal uncertainty theories of musical enjoyment. Professor Glenn Wilson considers whether there is any truth in the claim that listening to music can increase intelligence in the listener (the so-called 'Mozart Effect'). - Gresham College

Dr. Glenn Daniel Wilson is a psychologist best known for his work on attitude and personality measurement, sexual attraction, deviation and dysfunction, partner compatibility, and psychology applied to performing arts. Dr. Wilson is currently Visiting Professor of Psychology at Gresham College, London. Previously he was Reader in Personality at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College, London, and Adjunct Professor with the University of Nevada, Reno.

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Si Deus nobiscum, quis contra nos?
Îndrăzneşte să cunoşti!
Ducit Amor Patriae
Tot ceea ce este necesar ca răul să triumfe este ca oamenii buni să stea cu mâinile în sân.
(Edmund Burke)
Încearcă să nu fii un om de succes, ci un om de valoare! (Albert Einstein)
Nu voi fi un om obişnuit pentru că am dreptul să fiu extraordinar. (Peter O`Toole)
Modestia este, faţă de merit, ceea ce este umbra pentru figurile dintr-un tablou: îi dau forţă şi relief. (La Bruyere)
Maestru este numai acela care este dăruit cu harul de a învăţa pe alţii. Cu adevărat maestru este numai cel care, având el însuşi multă bogăţie sufletească, ştie să dea tot, ştiinţă, pricepere şi suflet, fără intenţii preconcepute şi fără să aştepte nimic în schimb. (Octavian Fodor)

Talent hits a target no one else can hit, genius hits a target no one else can see. (Schopenhauer)
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. (Aristotle)