Saturday, May 30, 2009

ADN-ul este influentat de cuvinte

Cele mai recente cercetari rusesti explica fenomene ca intuitie, clarviziune, vindecari miraculoase spontane, autovindecari, influenta mentalului asupra climei, etc.

Grazyna Fosar si Franz Bludorf arata ca ADN-ul poate fi influentat si re-programat prin cuvinte si anumite frecvente. Aceste descoperiri deschid calea unui nou tip de medicina in care ADN-ul poate fi re-programat folosind cuvintele si anumite frecvente, deci fara a-l sectiona si inlocui anumite gene. Chirurgia genetica are un concurent redutabil!

Doar 10 % din ADN-ul uman este folosit pentru a fabrica proteine. Doar aceasta mica parte face obiectul cercetarilor occidentale deja cunoscute Si popularizate. Restul de 90 % este considerat material de balast, adica fara importanta. Cu toate acestea, cercetatorii rusi, convinsi ca natura nu este deloc risipitoare, s-au alaturat unor lingvisti si geneticieni hotarati sa descopere adevaratul rol al celei mai mari parti din adenomul uman. Rezultatele si concluziile acestor cercetari sunt revolutionare!

Cuvintele care vindeca
Conform acestora, ADN-ul uman nu este doar responsabil pentru construirea corpului nostru, dar serveste si ca depozit de informatii si cale de comunicare. Adica un fel de Internet. Lingvistii rusi au descoperit ca intregul cod genetic, indeosebi partea de 90 % declarata inutila de occidentali, respecta aceleasi reguli folosite in toate limbile umane.

Astfel, ei au comparat regulile sintactice (modul in care cuvintele formeaza fraze si propozitii), semantice (studiul intelesurilor intr-un anumit limbaj) si cele gramaticale de baza. Astfel, au descoperit ca moleculele alcaline din ADN respecta regulile gramaticale obisnuite folosite in toate limbajele umane. Cu alte cuvinte, limbajele umane nu au aparut la intamplare, ci sunt rezultatul ADN-ului.

Biofizicianul si biologul rus Piotr Gariaev si colegii sai au explorat si comportamentul vibrational al ADN-ului, adica efectul anumitor frecvente asupra acestuia. Concluzia este stupefianta: cromozomii vii functioneaza exact ca si computere holografice/solitonice folosind radiatie laser generata endogen chiar in interiorul ADN-ului!

Cu alte cuvinte, ei au reusit sa moduleze anumite modele vibratorii pe o raza laser cu care au influentat ADN-ul si informatia genetica. Si din moment ce structura ADN-ului este aceeasi cu cea a limbajului uman, se pot folosi cuvinte si propozitii in mod direct pentru a influenta ADN-ul, nefiind nevoie de nici o decodificare.

Acest lucru s-a demonstrat experimental! ADN-ul viu (din tesuturi, nu in vitro) reactioneaza prompt la raze laser modulate prin cuvinte si propozitii, dar chiar si la unde radio, daca se folosesc frecventele corespunzatoare. In acest fel se explica stiintific de ce afirmatiile, antrenamentul autogen, hipnoza si gandirea pozitiva pot avea efecte atat de puternice asupra omului.

Este deci normal si natural ca ADN-ul sa reactioneze la limbaj. In timp ce cercetatorii occidentali extrag chirurgical anumite gene din lantul ADN si le introduc in alta parte pentru a face experimentari, rusii au lucrat entuziasti la dispozitive care le permit sa influenteze metabolismul celular prin frecvente radio si luminoase corespunzatoare si astfel sa repare anumite defecte genetice.

Grupul de cercetatori al lui Gariaev a reusit sa demonstreze ca, folosind aceasta metoda, pot fi reparati cromozomii afectati de razele X. Mai mult, ei au capturat modele informationale dintr-un ADN si le-au transmis altuia, in acest fel re-programand celulele pentru un alt genom. Astfel, au transformat embrioni de broasca in embrioni de salamandra, doar prin transmiterea modelului informational corespunzator!

In acest fel, intreaga informatie a fost transmisa fara nici un efect secundar de tipul celor intalnite in practicile occidentale. Aceasta reprezinta una dintre cele mai mari revolutii in stiinta medicala, care va duce cu siguranta la transformari uluitoare! Rezultatele spectaculoase au fost obtinute doar prin folosirea vibratiilor si a limbajului in locul tehnicilor oarecum barbare de chirurgie moleculara. Aceste experimente arata imensul potential al geneticii vibrationale care are evident o mai mare influenta in formarea organismelor fata de procesele biochimice ale secventelor alcaline din ADN (partea de doar 10 % din total).

Invatatorii spirituali si esoterici cunosteau de mii de ani faptul ca acest corp uman este programabil prin limbaj, cuvinte si prin gand. Acum s-a demonstrat si explicat stiintific acest lucru. Desigur, frecventa folosita trebuie sa fie cea corespunzatoare. Si de aceea nu oricine are succes totdeauna sau nu obtine rezultate de aceeasi anvergura. Omul trebuie sa lucreze asupra proceselor interioare si sa obtina o anumita maturitate spirituala pentru a putea stabili o comunicare directa si constienta cu ADN-ul. Cercetatorii rusi lucreaza la un dispozitiv care va asigura succesul cu conditia folosirii frecventei corecte.

Fiecare face propria revolutie interioara
Insa un om cu o constiinta spirituala inalta nu are nevoie de nici un fel de dispozitiv! El nu depinde de vreun aparat pentru a-si reprograma ADN-ul. Fiecare dintre noi putem sa realizam acestea, iar stiinta confirma! Cercetatorii rusi au descoperit ca ADN-ul uman creeaza tipare morfologice in vid, si produce asa-numitele gauri de vierme magnetice. Acestea sunt echivalentele microscopice ale celebrelor poduri Einstein-Rosen care se gasesc in apropierea gaurilor negre cosmice si care fac legatura intre doua pucte foarte indepartate, un fel de scurtatura.

Acestea sunt ca niste tunele avand capetele in diverse zone din cosmos prin care informatia poate fi transmisa in afara legilor spatiului si timpului. ADN-ul atrage astfel de informatii din macrocosmos si le transmite constiintei noastre. Este ca un rezonator multiplu, ca un aparat de radio capabil sa receptioneze mai multe posturi diferite, in functie de frecventa pe care acestea emit.

Acest proces de hipercomunicare este extrem de eficient intr-o stare de relaxare profunda. Stresul, grijile sau un mental hiperactiv obstructioneaza acest proces Si informatiile primite sunt distorsionate si inutile. Natura foloseste acest fel de hipercomunicatie de milioane de ani. Omul modern cunoaste doar o mica parte sub numele de intuitie.

Un exemplu din natura: in cadrul unui musuroi de furnici, daca regina este separata spatial de colonie, furnicile continua sa construiasca musuroiul conform planului initial. Daca insa regina este omorata, intreaga activitate din colonie se opreste. Nici o furnica nu stie ce sa mai faca. Se pare ca regina transmite furnicilor ce si cum sa faca, prin intermediul constiintei de grup, iar furnicile o asculta orbeste, ca si cum nu ar avea constiinta proprie.

Omul experimenteaza acest fel de hipercomunicare atunci cand are o intuitie sau o inspiratie. Timp de mai multe zeci de luni, un barbat de 42 de ani visa noaptea ca este conectat la un sistem de informatii de tip CD-ROM. In acest mod, cunostinte verificabile, din domenii foarte diverse, i-au fost transmise, iar el le verifica dimineata. O adevarata cascada de informatii - ca o enciclopedie! Marea majoritate a lor erau din afara sferei sale personale de cunoastere si atingeau detalii tehnice despre care el nu stia nimic.

Efectul de ADN fantoma
Acest fel de hipercomunicare genereaza efecte spectaculoase, atat in ADN, cat si in fiinta umana. Cercetatorii rusi au iradiat o mostra de ADN cu lumina laser, iar pe ecranul aparatului a aparut modelul de unda care era de asteptat. Atunci cand ei au scos mostra de ADN, forma de unda nu a disparut, ci a continuat sa existe! Mai multe experimente de acest fel au aratat ca forma de unda este totusi generata de mostra indepartata, al carei camp energetic ramane. Acest efect a fost numit efectul ADN fantoma. Gauri de vierme microscopice

Se afirma ca energia din afara spatiului si timpului obisnuit continua sa curga prin gaurile de vierme activate, chiar si dupa ce ADN-ul este indepartat din experiment. Efectul secundar observat este acela ca si in jurul fiintelor umane capabile de hipercomunicare s-au detectat astfel de campuri electromagnetice inexplicabile.

Dispozitive electronice ca CD playere sau similare pot sa inceteze sa functioneze timp de cateva ore. Pe masura ce campul electromagnetic incepe sa dispara, aceste dispozitive revin la o functionare normala. Multi vinedecatori si terapeuti cunosc aceste efecte de mult timp. Cu cat atmosfera este mai incarcata iar energia este mai mare, cu atat sansele ca aparatul de inregistrat sa se opreasca devin mai mari. Iar butonarea aparatului nu-l va repune in functiune decat dupa cateva ore, timp in care energia a disparut.

In cartea lor Vernetzte Intelligenz (Inteligenta Conectata), Grazyna Gosar si Franz Bludorf explica aceste fenomene foarte clar si precis. Ei citeaza surse care afirma ca in trecut, umanitatea era conectata foarte strans, la fel ca si celelalte forme de viata, la constiinta de grup si actiona ca un grup. Insa, pentru a experimenta si modul individual de constiinta, oamenii au trebuit sa uite de hipercomunicare, aproape in totalitate.

Constiinta de grup superioara
In acest moment, la nivel de umanitate, constiinta individuala este relativ stabila, si se poate creea o noua forma de constiinta de grup, cu adevarat superioara, in care putem sa avem acces la intreaga informatie prin intermediul rezonatorului biologic prezent in fiecare celula din corpul nostru - ADN-ul - fara sa fim fortati sau manipulati de la distanta in ceea ce priveste informatia in sine. Ca si in Internet, ADN-ul nostru poate sa transmita propriile informatii in aceasta vasta retea care este VIATA, poate sa primeasca informatii din aceasta retea si poate chiar sa stabileasca contacte directe cu alti participanti din retea.

Vindecarile miraculoase de la distanta, telepatia,

Vindecarile miraculoase de la distanta, telepatia, clarviziunea, pot fi astfel explicate cu usurinta si in mod natural. De exemplu, unele animale de casa cunosc dinainte cand se vor intoarce acasa stapanii lor. Acest lucru poate fi interpretat prin prisma hipercomunicarii si a constiintei de grup. Orice constiinta colectiva nu poate fi folosita la nesfarsit fara o constiinta individuala. Altfel, ne-am intoarce la o stare primitiva in care instinctul de turma ar putea fi extrem de usor de manipulat.

Hipercomunicarea in acest moment inseamna ceva cu totul diferit: cercetatorii spun ca daca oamenii (care dispun de o constiinta individuala) isi vor regasi accesul la constiinta de grup, vor avea atunci puteri de creatie supraumane cu care vor putea sa modeleze intreaga viata de pe planeta. Cert este ca umanitatea se indreapta evident spre o astfel de constiinta de grup superioara. Se estimeaza ca 50 % din copiii care se nasc acum vor avea mari probleme la scoala. Ei sunt cunoscuti sub numele de copii indigo datorita aurei lor de aceasta culoare care indica o inalta constiinta si o puritate exemplara.

In acelasi timp, se nasc din ce in ce mai multi copii cu puteri de clarviziune (conform cartii Copii indigo din China de Paul Dong). Acesti copii ne invata pe noi, adultii, ce inseamna constiinta de grup superioara, prin exemplul personal. De exemplu, clima nu poate fi influentata de un singur om, de regula. Insa poate fi iunfluentata de o constiinta de grup - nimic nou pentru unele triburi care aduc ploaia prin dansurile lor. Vremea este puternic influentata de frecventele proprii de rezonanta ale Pamantului, asa-numitele frecvente Schumann. Dar acestea sunt exact aceleasi frecvente care sunt produse in creierul nostru, iar atunci cand mai multi oameni actioneaza in sincronicitate, la unison, se formeaza un efect similar luminii laser - acela de manifestare in aceeasi faza. Astfel se explica in termeni stiintifici cum se poate influenta vremea!

Cercetatorii constiintei de grup au formulat teoria Civilizatiei de tip I. O umanitate care a trecut la stadiul constiintei de grup superioare nu ar avea nici probleme de mediu, si nici lipsa de energie. Pentru ca ar avea un control natural si firesc asupra tuturor energiilor si proceselor de pe intreaga planeta. Aceasta include si un control asupra eventualelor catastrofe! Iar o Civilizatie de tipul II ar putea avea control asupra energiilor din intreaga ei galaxie.

Constiinta de grup superioara creeaza ordine
Si acum, o adevarata bomba: atunci cand un numar foarte mare de oameni se concentreaza asupra unui acelasi scop (de exemplu un meci de fotbal, sarbatoarea Craciunului sau alte evenimente similare ca anvergura), s-a demonstrat experimental ca generatoarele de numere aleatoare incep sa ofere numere ordonate, in loc de numere aleatoare. Cu alte cuvinte, o constiinta de grup superioara (ordonata) creeaza ordine in intreg mediul!

Experimente din mediul universitar au demonstrat ca lumea fizica si lumea mentala sunt conectate si interdependente! Pentru mai multe detalii asupra rezultatelor proiectului, vizitati

ADN-ul este acum privit si ca un superconductor organic ce functioneaza la temperatura normala a corpului, spre deosebire de superconductoarele artificiale care necesita temperaturi foarte joase, intre -200 Si -400 grade Celsius. Toate superconductoarele sunt capabile sa stocheze lumina, si deci, informatie. Si in acest mod se poate explica cum de ADN-ul poate stoca si transmite informatie atat de bine.

In ceea ce priveste asa-numitele gauri de vierme (wormhole), acestea sunt, in mod normal, foarte instabile si dispar in numai o fractiune de secunda. In anumite conditii, astfel de gauri de vierme se pot organiza de la sine formand zone de vid in care, de exemplu, gravitatea se poate transforma in electricitate. Astfel de zone de vid sunt ca niste mingii radiante de gaz ionizat care dispun de o energie imensa.

Puterea constiintei
Esista anumite zone din Rusia unde astfel de mingi radiante apar foarte des. Rusii au inceput programe masive de cercetare care au condus la cateva concluzii uimitoare. Foarte multi oameni cunosc aceste zone de vid sub forma unor mingi stralucitoare care apar pe cer. Privesc atent la ele si se intreaba ce ar putea fi.

Odata am gandit : Salut! Daca sunteti OZN-uri, zburati in triunghi. Si, dintr-o data, sferele au format un triunghi. Cu alta ocazie, le-am spus ca sa accelereze de la zero la viteza infinita, si asa au facut. Evident, am crezut ca sunt OZN-uri. Prietenoase, din moment ce au facut ce le-am rugat eu, ca sa-mi faca pe plac.

Acum, rusii au gasit in acele zone unde apar sferele luminoase, ca aceste mingi pot fi ghidate prin gand. Pentru ca s-au detectat frecvente foarte joase in jurul acestor sfere, frecvente similare cu cele produse de creierul nostru. Din cauza acestei similitudini, sferele reactioneaza la gandurile noastre!

Trebuie sa va avertizez ca nu este o idee prea buna sa sari pe una dintre aceste mingi care este asezata pe sol. Pentru ca energia pe care o detine este asa de mare incat ar putea sa ne provoace mutatii genetice Sau ar putea sa nu. Pentru ca, spre exemplu, se stie ca multi invatatori spirituali produc astfel de sfere vizibile de energie atunci cand se afla in stari adanci de meditatie, declansand astfel stari placute si inaltatoare spiritual.

Este deja celebru cazului unui invatator spiritual care medita pe scaunul lui, iar cand cineva a vrut sa-l fotografieze, in poza nu se vedea decat un nor alb-stralucitor, ca o ceata. Pur si simplu, acest fel de fenomene trebuie sa fie in legatura cu gravitatia si anti-gravitatia, cu acele gauri de vierme care sunt stabilizate prin gand, si cu hipercomunicatia, adica o legatura cu energii din afara structurii noastre spatio-temporale obisnuite. Generatiile anterioare, care au avut astfel de experiente de contact prin hipercomunicare si sfere luminoase, le numeau experiente cu ingeri. Desi multe din aceste interactiuni se crede ca au fost doar transferuri de energie spirituala dinspre acele sfere inspre om, asta nu inseamna ca nu exista ingeri!

Stiinta oficiala cunoaste deja zone de pe aceasta planeta cu anomalie gravitationala (care contribuie la formarea unor astfel de sfere luminoase de vid). Pana acum devierea gravitationala era de sub 1 % din valoarea totala a campului. Recent, s-au descoperit alte zone care au o anomalie gravitationala de 3 - 4 %. Unul din aceste locuri este Rocca di Papa, la sud de Roma (pentru localizarea exacta, consultati cartea Vernetzte Intelligenz). Acolo, diverse obiecte de felurite forme, de la sfere pana la autobuze (da, nu e greseala tipografica), se inalta spre cer.

Referinta: Vernetzte Intelligenz de Grazyna Fosar Si Franz Bludorf, ISBN 3930243237,

SURSA: Active Information Media

Gregg Braden - Trezirea la punctul zero

Există un proces de schimbări fără precedent ce se desfăşoară pe Pământ. Tu eşti o parte din acea Schimbare. Fără cunoaşterea graniţelor artificiale ale religiei, ştiinţei sau tradiţiilor mistice antice, Schimbarea este caracterizată în inversări dramatice a parametrilor fizici ai Planetei, şi însoţită de o transformare rapidă în înţelegerea, perpepţia şi experienţa umană. Această perioadă este referită istoric ca "Schimbarea Erelor". În timp ce ştiinţa stă martoră unor evenimente ce nu au elemente de comparaţie, tradiţiile antice ne spun că suntem sub un program intact; Evenimentele Schimbării se produc acum. Fiecare eveniment poartă cu el un mesaj similar, şi reprezintă o consecinţă a unui Proces mult mai important decât evenimentul în sine. În momente cheie din istoria umanităţii, înţelepciunea a fost transmisă, permiţând astfel oamenilor să trăiască schimbări rapide fără Frică. Acum este unul din acele momente. Trăim încheierea unui ciclu ce a început acum aproape 200.000 de ani, şi un proces de Iniţiere demonstrat acum 2000 de ani. Filmul este făcut în 1996

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A conversation with Dr. Stephen Hawking & Lucy Hawking

A conversation with Dr. Stephen Hawking & Lucy Hawking. They discuss their book George's Secret Key to the Universe, an adventure story about two children who find a sort of computer portal through which they can slip into the solar system and beyond.

Primul site de informaţii şi ştiri despre educaţia excelenţ

Vă invit să vizitaţi un site minunat, un loc dedicat unor minţi strălucite, copiilor cu uriaş talent. Pentru detalii intraţi aici

Recomandare de lectură: Sclavii fericiţi. Lumea văzută din Silycon Valley

Încîntat de sine însuşi şi de lumea sa aseptică, omul postmodern rămîne sclavul unei mentalităţi a confortului. Căutarea cu orice preţ a “vieţii confortabile” s-a transformat într-un ideal personal şi colectiv de necontestat; confortul este noua religie, promovată de tehnologism, globalism şi consumismul de masă. Lipsit de confort, de mistica şi imaginarul social pe care acesta le presupune, omul postmodern ar fi cuprins de o teribilă panică; faţă în faţă cu realitatea şi cu propria sa conştiinţă, s-ar simţi gol şi neputincios. Sursă de satisfacţii imediate, confortul îi risipeşte însă temerile, îl apără de confruntări dezagreabile. Îl transformă într-un sclav fericit.

Ovidiu Hurduzeu, autorul acestei cărţi, a plecat din ţară în 1989, a ajuns la Roma unde, spus pe şleau, nu prea i-a fost uşor, dar a rezistat fiindcă voia să fie cinstit faţă de sine însuşi. Stia ce-i în România, nu voia să îmbătrânească într-un sistem ce favoriza duplicitatea, impostura, laşitatea. Curajul nu l-a părăsit nici după ce a ajuns în America, acolo unde tot românul visează să se îmbogăţească. El nu s-a îmbogăţit, în schimb i-a mai căzut de pe ochi un alt rand de solzi. Rupsese solzii cusuţi de doctrina comunistă, acum s-a operat din nou. Cartea Sclavii fericiţi este rodul acestei dezlipiri. O operaţie dureroasă, dar reuşită. Autorul ne cucereşte prin splendida sa dezinhibare. El gândeşte cu mintea lui, vorbeşte cu gura lui, scrie cu mâna lui. Detestă protezele orcât de şlefuite ar fi. Titlul i-a fost inspirit de Huxley, marele scriitor şi intelectual britanic, care în anii ’30 a înţeles că manipularea fiinţei umane nu se face doar prin instrumentul fricii, ci şi prin acela al confortului. Paranteza comunistă s-a încheiat, urmează însă un capitol vast în care oamenii îşi vor închipui că sânt liberi fără să fie. Ovidiu Hurduzeu ne demonstrează că nu există libertate acolo unde omul şi-a uitat divina tensiune lăuntrică. O carte lucidă, împotriva manipulării.(Dan Stanca)


Top 5 copii geniali

Kim Ung Yong: Admis la universitate la 4 ani Nascut in 1962, este cel mai inteligent om din lume. A intrat in Cartea Recordurilor cu un IQ estimat la 210. La varsta de patru ani era capabil sa citeasca in japoneza, coreana, germana si engleza. La cinci ani, rezolva ecuatii diferentiale si calcule cu integrale. Mai tarziu, invitat la o televiziune japoneza, si-a demonstrat fluenta in chineza, spaniola, vietnameza, tagalong, germana, engleza, japoneza si coreana. La trei ani, cand alti copii sunt fascinati de cartile de colorat, Kim a fost invitat sa participe la cursurile de fizica ale Universitatii Hanyang, iar la sase ani isi petrecea timpul alaturi de savantii de la NASA. A lucrat aici pana in 1978, cand s-a reorientat, alegand ingineria civila, domeniu in care si-a luat doctoratul. I s-a oferit ocazia sa studieze la cele mai prestigioase universitati din Coreea, dar a ales o universitate de provincie, unde lucreaza si in prezent.
Gregory Smith: Nominalizat al Premiului Nobel la 12 ani. Nascut in 1990, Gregory Smith a invatat sa citeasca la doi ani, iar la 10 era deja student. Totusi, geniul este doar o parte a vietii lui Gregory. Cand nu devoreaza orice carte ii cade in mana, baiatul bate Globul in lung si-n lat ca activist pentru drepturile copiilor. Este fondator al International Youth Advocates, o organizatie care promoveaza pacea si buna intelegere intre tinerii din intreaga lume. S-a intalnit cu Bill Clinton si Mihail Gorbaciov si a tinut discursuri la ONU. Pentru toate acestea, Gregory a fost nominalizat de patru ori (!!!) la Premiul Nobel pentru Pace. Ultima lui realizare? Si-a luat permisul de conducere.
Akrit Jaswal: Chirurg la sapte ani Cu un IQ de 146, Akrit a fost desemnat cel mai inteligent copil din India, tara cu peste un miliard de locuitori. Akrit a intrat in atentia publica in 2000, cand a realizat prima operatie chirurgicala. Avea doar sapte ani, iar pacienta lui, o fetita de opt ani, suferise arsuri grave la una din maini, astfel ca degetele sale erau lipite unul de celalalt. Desi Akrit nu avea cunostinte medicale, a reusit sa-i desprinda degetele, astfel ca fetita si-a putut folosi mana din nou. In prezent, studiaza la Universitatea Chandigarh din India si sustine ca este pe cale sa descopere un leac impotriva cancerului.
Michael Kevin Kearney: Absolvent de facultate la 10 ani, profesor la 17 A devenit cel mai tanar absolvent de facultate, la varsta de 10 ani. In 2008, a castigat varianta americana a jocului de cultura generala „Vrei sa fii miliardar?”. Nascut in 1984, Michael a vorbit pentru prima data cand avea patru luni! La sase luni, i-a spus medicului sau pediatru: „Am o infectie la urechea stanga”, iar la zece luni deja stia sa citeasca. La patru ani lua punctaj maxim la un prestigios test de matematica, iar la sase ani termina liceul. A urmat Antropologia la o universitate americana, pe care a absolvit-o la doar 10 ani.
Saul Aaron Kripke: invitat sa predea la Harvard inca din timpul liceului Fiul unui rabin, Saul Aaron Kripke s-a nascut in 1940, la New York si a crescut un Omaha. Cand era in clasa a patra, a descoperit algebra, iar cand se afla inca in scoala primara stapanea deja geometria si se apuca de filosofie. In adolescenta, a scris o serie de eseuri care ulterior s-au transformat in studii de logica formala. Pentru unul dintre acestea a primit invitatia sa predea la Harvard, oferta pe care a refuzat-o, motivand: „mama a spus ca ar fi cazul sa termin mai intai liceul si apoi sa merg la facultate”. Kripke este laureat al Premiului Schock, echivalentul Nobelului in filosofie. Este considerat cel mai mare filosof in viata.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Great Leaders

Great Leaders: A Presentation Great Leaders: A Presentation api_user_11797_Natarajan

Feedback 360° despre directorii de resurse umane

Vă invit să citiţi un articol interesant semnat Roxana Luchianov pe business-edu.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Vorbă de duh

Când eşti mulţumit să fii pur şi simplu tu însuţi şi să nu te compari cu ceilalţi, toţi te vor respecta. (Lao Tzu)

A Genius for Change, and the Passion to Do It

If you live in a developing country, chances are you spend a good part of your day engaged in backbreaking, repetitive labor to put food on the table. The MIT students in this Soap Box session have rolled up their sleeves to find simple solutions for the half of the world without access to safe drinking water, electricity, and all the conveniences many take for granted.

At Amy Smith’s MIT D-Lab (for design, development, dissemination), the goal is inventing “the simplest, cheapest thing you possibly can” for the citizens of impoverished nations. For instance, she tells us, D-Lab has come up with an electricity-free incubator that allows people to test their water for nasty microbes, and a turbine-less wind generator, among other inventions. Her students elaborate on some of their current projects, which hold the potential to help millions.

Jules Walter had the idea of putting his native Haiti’s millions of pounds of sugar cane waste to good use. They developed a low cost process to transform cane discards into charcoal, which is then carbonized, mixed with a binder (locally available cassava), and pressed. This system creates an inexpensive cane briquet for indoor cooking that offers a much preferable alternative to chopping down a tree (Haiti is already 90% deforested). In addition, it should help lower that country’s high rate of respiratory infections due to wood charcoal inhalation. Walter hopes to market this invention for large-scale distribution in Haiti.

Kendra Johnson has come up with a bicycle-powered grain mill that can make masa, wet corn ground into fine dough for tortillas. This is a dietary staple for many Central and South American people. Normally, a woman would spend hours with a hand mortar or pestle, or visit a diesel-powered mill to buy masa for the nightly meal. Now, the bike design makes it possible to achieve the end result in a fraction of the time.

Graduate student Amos Winter wants to bring mobility technology to developing countries, where it can be difficult to find a clear sidewalk or smooth road surface. Western wheelchairs are much too expensive, and quickly break down in third-world conditions. Consequently in places like Tanzania, where Winter has worked, only 4% of those who need a wheelchair have one. He has been designing a hand-powered tricycle with two gears, which can stay upright on rutted roads and go uphill. Working with local groups, he has developed workshops in nine countries to start developing and marketing prototypes.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pr. Sofian BOGHIU - Rugăciunile celor din închisori

Screw It, Let`s Do It - Richard Branson

În Screw It, Let`s Do It, Richard Branson împărtăşeşte câteva dintre lecţiile de viaţă şi carieră pe care le-a trăit şi cum a folosit aceste învăţăminte. Rezultatul sunt câteva principii-sfat:
  • Să crezi că ceea ce îţi propui poate fi făcut
  • Trăieşte viaţa din plin
  • Distrează-te, munceşte din greu şi banii vor veni
  • Calculează riscurile şi asumă-ţi-le
  • Nu regreta nimic
  • Urmează-ţi visurile, dar în lumea reală bazează-te pe tine
  • Fă ca fiecare secundă să conteze

Friday, May 22, 2009

'You've got to find what you love`- un discurs fabulos marca Steve Jobs

This is the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005.

I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories.

The first story is about connecting the dots.

I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?

It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said: "Of course." My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college.

And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn't see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.

It wasn't all romantic. I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example:

Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating.

None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, its likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.

Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

My second story is about love and loss.

I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. We had just released our finest creation — the Macintosh — a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.

I really didn't know what to do for a few months. I felt that I had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down - that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me. I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly. I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me — I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over.

I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.

During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the worlds first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple's current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together.

I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle.

My third story is about death.

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn't even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor's code for prepare to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you'd have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.

I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I'm fine now.

This was the closest I've been to facing death, and I hope its the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960's, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Thank you all very much.


The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


Globalization and Higher Education: Competition and Cooperation

Globalization and Higher Education: Competition and Cooperation

While globalization poses critical challenges for the U.S. economy, Charles Vest believes that knowledge-sharing may serve as the best response to increasingly competitive times.

Vest sketches the increasingly dire situation of U.S. manufacturing, R&D and innovation, which are “migrating and morphing.” Between 2000 and 2002, the U.S. lost 400 thousand jobs in IT manufacturing, and during roughly the same period, foreign firms built 60 thousand manufacturing plants in China, Vest notes. In the U.S., agriculture and industry have given way to the service sector. This means, says Vest, that “a huge part of the population today is employed, and in the future, more, in providing services largely but not exclusively driven by information technology.”

But the U.S. science and engineering infrastructure, in contrast to other nations, is not keeping pace with these changes. Warns Vest, “People everywhere are smart and capable, and give them a chance and the education,” they’ll do at least as well as Americans have. China is already churning out far greater numbers of engineers than the U.S., and making them available to a global market at a far lower cost. The solution is to “strengthen the quality and nature of science and engineering education,” with a focus on technological proficiency, leadership, and international vision.

In practice, this means to Vest a new phase for the research university: creating a physical and/or virtual presence in other countries, alliances with overseas partners, and freely shared, digitally housed content -- what Vest calls “the emerging meta university.” With MIT’s own web-based Open Course Ware as a model, Vest prescribes increasingly accessible resources for scholarship and education, which will prove “strategically and fundamentally important to us, in the true spirit of education, democratization and empowerment.” Sharing underpins “innovation, cooperation and competition worldwide.” Vest envisions a “dynamically constructed framework of open materials and platforms on which much of higher education worldwide can be constructed or enhanced.”

iCampus: Closing Remarks

In her concluding remarks, Susan Hockfield notes the need to “continually assess the relevance of our means of instruction in relation to the changing habits and expectations of students.” It’s not good enough to come up with new teaching technologies if they don’t motivate or enable learners. The question is whether we “will seize the opportunity to deeply rethink what we do and participate in developing technologies to do what we do even better,” and to liberate students “to innovate their own education.”

China's Development and China-U.S. Relations

MIT President Susan Hockfield hails a new era of collaboration between the Institute and China, and Zhou Wenzhong, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China, discusses the larger relationship between his country and the U.S., particularly in light of the economic crisis enveloping the world.

Chinese students have been matriculating at MIT, says Susan Hockfield, since 1876 -- almost as long as the university has been around. But the 1990s saw the start of a broader and deeper institutional commitment, with Mandarin courses at MIT, and a program to send MIT students to intern with Chinese companies. Now, the relationship is deepening, with an MIT-China initiative to spark research ideas and collaborations, particularly around energy and sustainable development, robotics, and healthcare; and a China Forum Lecture series. Hockfield believes partnerships between MIT and the People’s Republic of China “are virtually unlimited.”

In the 30 years since China began economic reforms, Zhou Wenzhong recounts, its domestic economy has grown roughly twice as fast as the world economy. Its GDP has expanded from the equivalent of $216.5 billion to $3.28 trillion. The ambassador reminds his audience that in spite of such gains, China remains a developing country, with an enormous population whose per capita GDP is less than 1/17th of that of U.S. citizens’. It is “a long way from basic modernization and prosperity for all.”

Much of China’s growth stems from a quadrupling of international trade. But intense globalization, an “irresistible reality” for all nations, poses major challenges, especially now with the rapid onset of profound economic malaise. China is moving to respond to this crisis, and looking beyond it, to help “establish a new international financial order that is fair, just, inclusive and orderly, fostering an institutional environment conducive to sound global economic development.” The government has set out a comprehensive package of reforms to keep the country’s economy running in hard times. The remedy, loaded as it is with tax cuts, social investments, restructuring of major industries, and energy conservation measures, may ring a bell for the U.S. public.

China also looks to its global neighbors in facing the immediate economic challenge, says Zhou Wenzhong, and in responding to such other pressures as terrorism, proliferation of WMD, climate change, epidemic diseases and national disasters. He hopes for a strengthening of U.S.-China relations, predicated on an approach steeped in the “long-term and strategic perspective.” The U.S. and China should “shoulder greater shared responsibilities,” promote common interests in trade, counterterrorism, law enforcement, science, technology and young people. China asks that the U.S. treat it as an equal, and respect such core interests “as the Taiwan question and Tibet relation matters.” With mutual trust and dialog, he concludes, “A new era offers unprecedented opportunities…to build a better future.”

Friday, May 15, 2009

A Conversation with Jack Welch and Alex D’Arbeloff

You won’t catch Jack Welch changing his tune on the basics of business success, at least not in this conversation with Alex D’Arbeloff. He dismisses criticism in the business press that his ideas need revision, and repeatedly hammers home his central themes.

“Your job in a business environment is no different than managing a sports team: you want to field the best players,” says Welch. “Weed out the weak, encourage the average to bet better and show them how and let the top people know how much your love them and care about them…That is the game.”

There’s too much concern about eliminating poor performers, says Welch. “Why focus on the losers? It’s society’s little guilt trip.” The key is getting the top tier of employees excited, giving them the self-confidence to reach and do more. “If you’re a boss and a bore, slap yourself,” he continues. Leaders of organizations must structure rigorous appraisal and training regimens, so employees know where they stand. “Candor is the biggest thing we build,” notes Welch.

He offers additional observations and insights in response to questions from D’Arbeloff and the audience. Welch is concerned by the current brain drain of the nation’s best and brightest MBAs, who head to six-figure starting salaries at hedge funds and private equity firms rather than building careers in companies. He scoffs at the notion of “work-life balance,” insisting on the word “choice” instead, since he believes that flush companies try to buy off employees with flex time “and massages at 3 o’clock,” rather than offering appropriate compensation and intrinsic job value. Also, telecommuting “is another fad that will die of no success,” since without face time, employees aren’t entitled to move up the ladder. Welch declares there will be “no new age employees in my start up. I want players who are sweating, animals, people who don’t take no for an answer, who are there 24/7.”

Welch spies a “massive opportunity” in the green movement, and says CEOs today have no option but to believe in global warming, and drive their organizations and products in that direction. “That’s what your job is. Sense it early and move before the trend, and have your products out there.” He’s also betting that the U.S. will ultimately outrun China in economic growth. “The ability to have hungry, innovative people matched up with liquidity allows us to have an entrepreneur class unmatched anywhere,” concludes Welch.

Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities for Business and Society

If “organizations are the way that ideas change the world,” as MIT Sloan Dean Dave Schmittlein puts it, then look to institutions like MIT, which has wrapped its arms around the issues of energy and climate change, to help make sustainability real and attainable. The Dean describes some showcase work launched at MIT, including a long-lasting battery for electric cars, and MIT’s own green campus efforts.

For MIT Sloan, explains Richard Locke, sustainability is not an “in vogue concept” that is about environment or climate change. Rather, it is “an incredible opportunity for new business, and for existing enterprise to reinvent their practices.” He invites panelists and audience at Convocation sessions to engage in dialog about moving beyond theory to meet the challenges of sustainability.

Forget the notion that the climate challenge is primarily a technical one, and can be solved with the help of 21st century know-how, says John Sterman. A more useful response would combine the distributed leadership of a civil rights movement with the technological daring of a Manhattan project. There are huge obstacles to overcome: According to Sterman, while a vast majority of people have heard of global warming, believe it poses a threat, and believe in reducing greenhouse emissions, a majority also oppose any changes that would “put the true costs of energy in front of you at the pump and in your electric bill.” There’s widespread belief that we can “wait and see” whether climate change is really that bad.

Sterman is working on providing policy makers and the public with interactive models that demonstrate just how immediate the climate threat is and how a slack response will only make things worse. He wants people to perceive that they must reduce greenhouse gases dramatically, but he also wants to destroy the myth that doing so will “kill the economy.” Sterman says “addressing this issue will pay dividends—that if we can cut the use of fossil fuels, it puts money in our pockets.”

Vladimir Bulovic wants to make the climate issue personal and immediate: the arboreal forests of the world produce 2/3rds of the planet’s oxygen, and due to warming (and the diseases that accompany it), trees are dying off. This image of our world choking on its own waste is motivating MIT scientists to find alternatives to polluting energy sources. He cites in particular efforts to harness the sun’s energy, including improving silicon technology, engineering photons to make electricity, and advancing ways of concentrating and storing solar power.

British telecom BT has managed to reduce its carbon footprint by 58% since 1996. Imagine what would happen if other global corporations followed suit, queries
Kevin Moss. He challenges his commercial peers to scour their business processes to reduce real estate and transportation usage, improve energy efficiency (e.g., by raising operating temperatures at data centers), and to purchase renewable energy. BT’s next goal: an 80% reduction of carbon emissions, and to secure 25% of its energy needs by wind energy by 2016.

Şcoala de Vară a Educaţiei de Excelenţă, Ediţia a III-a; 12-20 iulie 2009 – Lugoj: EDUCAŢIA EXCELENŢEI PENTRU O SOCIETATE CENTRATĂ PE COPIL.

IRSCA Gifted Education se adresează educatorilor, instructorilor şi profesorilor de orice nivel, implicaţi în educaţie la orice mod personal sau instituţional, la catedră sau în cercetare, ori în managementul şcolar.

Scop: profesionalizarea în domeniul educaţiei de excelenţă a cât mai multor cursanţi, în lumina Legii nr. 17/01.2007; dezbaterea reformelor în curs; consolidarea reţelei şcolii. Misiunea IRSCA Gifted Education este descoperirea şi dezvoltarea potenţialului fiecărui copil si tanar printr-o educaţie de excelenţă ce promovează aptitudinile şi talentul în orice domeniu. "Respectăm natura divină a omului şi nu omul-marfă, omul de consum", spune prof. Florin Colceag, Preşedinte IRSCA Gifted Education "stimulând învăţământul şi cercetarea românească originală". Atragem astfel în această direcţie copii şi tineri dotaţi pentru studiu, cercetare, leadership, antreprenoriat şi arte, contribuind, naţional şi internaţional, la prestigiul educaţiei româneşti.

Cazare: 120 RON, patibili la sosire, la internatul G.Ş.V.Branişte; număr de locuri: 120

Snack/ prânz/ cina: 200 RON, platibili la sosire, la cantina Liceului C.Brediceanu; număr de locuri: 120.

Taxă de curs: 300 RON. Taxa de curs se achita până la 20 iunie, prin ordin de plată către:

Asociaţia non-profit IRSCA GIFTED EDUCATION

Cod Fiscal: 17262316

Cont: IBAN(RON): RO26 RZBR 0000 0600 0662 2697

Banca: Raiffeisen Bank, Agentia Victoria, Bucuresti

Detalii plata: Scoala de Vara 2009 Lugoj

Înscriere completand si trimitand formularul plus dovada achitării taxei de curs (copie scanata chitanta), începând de azi, 11 mai 2009 la adresa scoaladeexcelenta {a rond}

Cuvânt cheie al ediţiei: INTERACTIVITATE.


9:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. cursurile experţilor IRSCA, în Aula Universităţii C.Drăgan

3:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. ateliere de lucru / film didactic, la Liceul Brediceanu

8 p.m. - 10 p.m. socializare: eseuri...: la dormitor.


Lista atelierelor de lucru este deschisă, aşteptăm propuneri. Concursul de eseuri şi de filme digitale este deschis şi cursanţilor din ediţiile anterioare ce nu pot fi cu noi la Lugoj. Aşteptăm eseurile dumneavoastra (pentru concurs, sau nu) la adresa Criterii de premiere: proprietatea cuvântului, coerenţa argumentului, coeziunea textului, creativitate. Aşteptam filmele (20 MB max, pentru concurs, sau nu) la adresa:

Şcoala se finalizează cu diploma de participare si un certificat de competente, acordate de IRSCA Gifted Education şi recunoscut de Consortiul EDUGATE.

Parteneri IRSCA Gifted Education: ISJ Timiş; reprezentant - inspector Marin Popescu. Organizatorii-sponsori ai şcolii, parteneri IRSCA Gifted Education: Noemi Neamţu, director al Liceului C.Breduceanu-Lugoj; Călin Alexandru, director al G.Ş,V.Branişte-Lugoj; Manuela Mihai, Manager al Babel SRL; Andreea Groszmuk - Co.Medi Art; Sorin Blaj – U.Dragan-Lugoj; Beatrice Frenţescu, psiholog; dr. M.A.Christi, profesor, prospector IRSCA Gifted Education.

Principalii experţi IRSCA în educaţia excelenţei la Lugoj: Florin Colceag, preşedinte IRSCA Gifted Eucation. Vasile Flueras - formator F.S.D.- C.C.D, Liceul Avram Iancu – Cluj-Napoca. Marcel Capraru - preşedinte al Asociaţiei Alternative Pedagogice (APA). Sergiu Scofergiu - psiholog şcolar, Colegiul Tehnic A.Vijoli, Făgăraş. Vlaston Stefan - Presedinte Asociatia EDU CER, Liceul Petre Poni, Bucureşti. Florinte Catargiu - expert IRSCA Gifted Education şi instructor educaţie de excelenţă; promotor formare continuă, EDUGATE. Monica Reu - redactor-şef, Editura Elena Francisc, Presedinte Asociaţia pentru Comunicare Non-Violentă. Mirela Horumba - director programe parenting, IRSCA Gifted Education.

Alte ateliere confirmate până la acest moment: Lajos Kristof, Carmen Pătruţescu, Cludia Borca, Cristina Mihăilescu, Marilena Leurezeanu, dr. M.A.Christi: formatori şi profesori.

Programul şcolii.

Deschiderea Scolii: 12 iulie, primirea oaspeţilor.

Epilog: 20 iulie: vă conducem la gară (să fim siguri că plecaţi... şi va urma: ediţia a III-a, de iarnă… la Buziaş-Băi, pe tichete de turism? :)

Luni, 13 iulie: DEMOGRAFIA EXCELENTEI. Cine suntem noi? Vasile Flueras: Omul, educaţia şi învăţământul în societatea comunicării. Atelier 1.: Adriana Ciucaş: Copiii mei genialoizi şi întrebările lor minunate. Atelier 2.: Cristina Pupăză: Valorile pe care ne clădim educaţia. Modul eseu: Bacalaureatul sălbaticilor insulei.

Marţi, 14 iulie: COPILUL-VALOARE ÎN SOCIETATEA ÎMBĂTRÂNITĂ. Marcel Capraru: Educatia centrată pe copil: care copil? Sergiu Scofergiu: Diagnoză şi evaluarea în invăţământul formal. Atelier 1: Sergiu Scofergiu – Diagnoza şi evaluarea copilului instituţionalizat. Atelier 2: Lajos Kristof - Programe educative de excelenţă în serviciile rezidenţiale. Modul eseu: Şcoala marginalilor junglei urbane.

Miercuri, 15 iulie: PEDAGOGIA EXCELENŢEI DE AZI A DEMARAT IERI. Florin Colceag: Arhitectura sistemului educativ performant (I). Vlaston Stefan: Inefabilul standardelor de calitate in educaţie.Atelier 1: Cludia Borca: Modalităţi de stimulare polisensorială, la copilul nevăzător. Atelier 2.: M.A.Christi – La Bicentenar, Braille şi-ar omagia Maestrul. Modul eseu: Dascălul. Mic tratat de imagologie.

Joi, 16 iulie: PEDAGOGIA EXCELENŢEI DE MÂINE ÎNCEPE AZI. Florinte Catargiu: Performanţa şcolară şi curricula ( conexă şi/ sau) complementară. Florin Colceag: Arhitectura sistemului educativ performant (II) Atelier 1: Carmen Pătruţescu: Modalităţi de wtimulare a aptitudinilor, la copilul hipoacuzic. Atelier 2.: Cristina Mihăilescu - Casa Faenza; autism şi aptitudini de compensare. Modul eseu: Copiii spun la şcoală că…

Vineri, 17 iulie: FACTORUL COMUNICARE. Florinte Catargiu: Proiectul INTEGRAT- Serviciul de evaluare externa LEAPSA. Monica Reu: Comunicarea empatică. Atelier 1: Monica Reu - Comunicarea empatică în educaţie. Atelier 2: Mirela Horumba - Cum sa fii un părinte de nota 10 (I). Modul eseu: Telefonul fără fir.

Sâmbătă, 18 iulie: CINE SUSŢINE PRO-EXCELENŢA COPILULUI? Florin Colceag: Arhitectura unui sistem educativ performant (III) Mirela Horumba: Excelenţa în parentizare. Atelier 1: Mirela Horumba - Cum să fii un părinte de nota 10 (II). Atelier 2: Marilena Leurezeanu - Ştie familia cultiva copilul talentat mic? Modul eseu: Imaginea părintelui (Mic tratat de imagologie).

Duminică, 19 iulie, în plen, a.m.: Concluzii. Premiere eseuri şi filme; p.m. : excursie.


Mozart ROCKS - imagini din concerte

Mozart ROCKS - Horea Crisovan - Nunta lui Figaro

Casele viitorului

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Innovative Leadership during Economic Crisis

The same institutional tenets guiding innovative management during good times needn’t waver during a downturn, even the present one, says Emmanuel Maceda. After two decades at Bain, one of the world’s premiere management consulting businesses, Maceda feels confident in his company’s practices and principles, which have guided both Bain and its clients through earlier economic booms and busts.

Bain constructs innovative leadership around three pillars: customers (clients), people and products, Maceda says. His company seeks a winning edge by establishing warm and lasting client relationships. At Bain, this means even top executives commit to working directly with clients, and assigning teams to the “client interface.” Clients are solicited for feedback through surveys and interviews, and come back to Bain for repeat business, finding satisfaction in its “collaborative culture,” says Maceda.

Bain’s organization has evolved around unique recruits, tapped from just seven elite business schools (including MIT Sloan). New staff are carefully trained and begin team building, which they continue throughout their careers, at all levels of the company. This costs Bain a great deal, but it’s necessary, says Maceda. The firm encourages activities that build “esprit de corps,” and touts a compensation model tied to the profitability of the firm. Bain also rewards the development of client products, whether in strategy, organization, M&A, which can be tested elsewhere then scaled up to produce new revenue.

This type of innovative leadership, says Maceda, could “apply broadly to most service-based organizations who want to make people the heart of a sustainable, competitive advantage, and to translate better products that meet clients needs better.” Such an organizational model holds true even or especially during times of crisis. “If you believe you have a strong competitive advantage, usually during times of crisis you can harness that and win.” Clients’ needs change “a bit” under economic duress. They may require help figuring out new strategies (such as cost reduction vs. aggressive growth), and seek new products in areas like cash management, and “quick hit revenue tools.”

Maceda points out significantly that in recent economic downswings Bain kept hiring, and its leadership took lower dividends, as the firm sought to retain key client and supplier partnerships. It’s not easy, but try to “nurture those relationships, even if you have to cut back in other places,” counsels Maceda. He concludes, “The fundamentals of being innovative leaders around client, people and products don’t change in a crisis.”

Values-Based Leadership

A West Point start, army career, and a disciplined approach to distilling key life experiences has guided Robert McDonald through his 20 years at Procter & Gamble. McDonald recommends a deliberate system of self-examination that results in an articulation of beliefs, which he sees as essential to strong leadership.

McDonald describes an ongoing process of “getting in touch with my culture, experiences, education, family” to discover his values, which he writes down, and revises over time. He believes that “people in an organization like to work for a leader who’s predictable,” and whose expectations they understand. Some of McDonald’s key beliefs, drawn from such early experiences as the Boy Scouts, and the military academy, continue to hold true to this day. He feels that “leading a life driven by purpose leads to a more meaningful and rewarding life than meandering without direction.” This has meshed nicely, he says, with P&G’s statement of purpose: to improve the lives of the world’s consumers. Says McDonald, “I think my purpose in life is to help other people.”

Some other key beliefs: “Everybody wants to succeed, and success is contagious.” Nobody wants to fail, and a good leader puts people in the right jobs, doing work they are good at. This also means that leaders “take responsibility for things even when they’re beyond our control,” when plans go awry or collapse. McDonald also believes that “organizations have to renew themselves,” which means leaders must provide development opportunities, and recognize that success comes not just from being strong but being adaptable, prepared for change. The final belief he offers is that a true test of a leader’s character “isn’t what happens in an organization when you’re there, but when you’re not there.” Good leaders build sufficient capability around them, so the organization “can withstand your leaving.” Charismatic is fine, but “we don’t like heroic leaders.”

For those searching for purpose, McDonald recommends this practical written exercise: list organizations to which you belong, and their dominant values; note lessons learned from your family, memorable life and educational experiences; then turn this into a set of beliefs.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Four Vital Jobs for Great Managers

Buckingham and Coffman in their book First, break all the rules identify four twists on conventional approaches which further define the differences in tactics espoused by great managers.
  • Select people based on talent.

  • When setting expectations for employees, establish the right outcomes.

  • When motivating an individual, focus on strengths.

  • To develop an individual, find the right job fit for the person.

A Conversation with Jack Welch

When Jack Welch was a young manager, he blew the roof off one of General Electric’s factories in a chemical accident. Summoned to a company VP, Welch received comfort rather than harsh words and a pink slip. This episode proved seminal to Welch’s philosophy and subsequent corporate career, and serves as one of many pithy lessons he offers in a lively conversation at MIT Sloan. “From that day forward, I never berated anybody when they were down,” says Welch. Other lessons learned from his life at GE: Never hire people (or acquire other companies) whose corporate culture doesn’t match your own. “No matter how good the numbers look, culture matters as much as financial profile.” He advocates frequent employee evaluations -- he gave his own division heads four reviews a year. “Never give anyone a raise (or stock option or bonus) without a small sheet of paper on how well they did or how they can improve,” says Welch. He admits some of his personnel ideas make people uncomfortable: in particular, his notion that 10% of employees will never succeed, and should be shown the door as expeditiously as possible. “You’ve got to believe that the team that fields the best players wins. If you tell the bottom ten where they stand, that it’s time to look for something else, that’s considered cruel management.” But, says Welch, it’s far crueler to let people hang on and then get cut later in their careers when they’re less likely to find other work. His ultimate advice to wanna-be managers: “Err on the side of the bold. … Take swings, have fun.”

Managers Not MBAs: Debating the Merits of Business Education

Most MBAs aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on, suggests Henry Mintzberg. “Management is where art and craft and science meet,” and most MBA programs are simply “training in analytical skills for analytical jobs… like investment banking and consulting.” Whatever you do, don’t confuse an MBA with a license to manage. “If people want to be managers, there’s a better route to it: get into an industry, know it, prove yourself, get promoted into a managerial position—and then, go to a program that uses managerial experience explicitly—not other people’s cases, but your own experience.” Ricardo Semler proposes that the jury is still out on whether management constitutes a science, but Mintzberg counters emphatically: “There are no natural surgeons. But there are all kinds of natural managers, people who are hugely successful and never spent a day in management class. It’s not a science or a profession. It’s a practice.” Mintzberg finds appalling the “depreciation of leadership” in the U.S. -- witness FEMA’s debacle during Hurricane Katrina and “the self-serving nature of chief executives these days.” Mintzberg recommends a “natural managerial program,” where “soft skills” and ethical approaches blend imperceptibly with analysis. “The idea you can parachute in and manage anything is absolute nonsense,” Mintzberg concludes.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Lansare de carte marca Loredana Ivan

Astăzi am avut plăcutul prilej de a participa la lansarea cărţii fostei mele profesoare, Loredana Ivan. A fost un eveniment minunat şi încărcat de emoţie. Este o carte pe care o recomand cu căldură tuturor celor care îşi doresc să desluşească tainele comunicării nonverbale şi să reuşească să citească cât mai corect semnalele corpului.
Sincerele mele felicitări autoarei, unul din profesorii la care mereu mă gândesc cu mare plăcere şi cu care sunt onorat să spun că am studiat. La cât mai multe cărţi de acest calibru!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Models Of Success: Dr. Maria Montessori Pioneering Italian Educator

Inventii romanesti medaliate cu aur, dar ramase la stadiul de proiect

Instalatie de pasteurizare a laptelui care-i pastreaza proprietatile intacte, substante pentru stimularea memoriei sau contoare de gaz care ne ajuta sa nu mai fim furati la factura.

Iata doar cateva dintre inventiile romanilor, care au luat medalii la Salonul de la Geneva.

Creativi suntem asadar, insa ne mai trebuie si bani pentru ca aceste inventii care ne-ar face viata mai usoara sa fie produse pe scara larga.

Anul trecut, in Romania s-au produs aproape 4.000 de incendii din cauza unor scurtcircuite. Au murit oameni, altii au fost raniti, unii au ramas fara case, iar cei mai multi s-au ales cu aparatura distrusa.

Iata motive suficiente pentru un grup de cercetatori sa puna la punct un dispozitiv de protectie la scurtcircuit si supratensiune. Un aparat care le-a adus si medalia de aur la Salonul de Inventii de la Geneva.

Alti romani au luat trei sisteme de senzori, le-au legat la un mini calculator care a prelucrat datele adunate si in final a iesit un contor de gaz care analizeaza exact puterea calorica. Un aparat care ar putea sa scada costurile cu pana la 30%, cred inventatorii.

Dispozitivul este deocamdata la stadiul de prototip, pentru ca lipsesc investitorii care sa il puna in productie. De altfel, cele mai multe dintre proiectele premiate la salonul international de inventii sunt si acum pe schite din aceeasi cauza.

Sursa: Kristof Lajos
Director Editorial
Project Manager, Hope Center for Gifted Children at Risk- ROMANIA
"Cu fiecare copil salvezi o lume"
www.giftededu. org

Si Deus nobiscum, quis contra nos?
Îndrăzneşte să cunoşti!
Ducit Amor Patriae
Tot ceea ce este necesar ca răul să triumfe este ca oamenii buni să stea cu mâinile în sân.
(Edmund Burke)
Încearcă să nu fii un om de succes, ci un om de valoare! (Albert Einstein)
Nu voi fi un om obişnuit pentru că am dreptul să fiu extraordinar. (Peter O`Toole)
Modestia este, faţă de merit, ceea ce este umbra pentru figurile dintr-un tablou: îi dau forţă şi relief. (La Bruyere)
Maestru este numai acela care este dăruit cu harul de a învăţa pe alţii. Cu adevărat maestru este numai cel care, având el însuşi multă bogăţie sufletească, ştie să dea tot, ştiinţă, pricepere şi suflet, fără intenţii preconcepute şi fără să aştepte nimic în schimb. (Octavian Fodor)

Talent hits a target no one else can hit, genius hits a target no one else can see. (Schopenhauer)
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. (Aristotle)